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The Detour of Comfort: Navigating Familiar Routes in Life

Greetings, dear readers! Welcome back to The Grace Diary, where we dive into the intersection of our everyday experiences and the timeless truths found in the Word of God. Today, we embark on a journey inspired by a personal revelation during the closure of schools last November. Join me in exploring the profound parallels between a simple commute and the intricate tapestry of our Christian lives. My Personal Experience In November, a peculiar revelation unfolded during a period when schools were closed, and my daily routine seemed to be humming along as usual. Despite leaving my home on time, I found myself consistently arriving late at work, a puzzling deviation from my regular punctuality. My initial self-assurance attributed the tardiness to heavy traffic on the route to town. Day after day, I consoled myself with this explanation until a moment of realization prompted me to reconsider. One day, determined to solve the mystery of my perpetual lateness, I decided to deviate from the...

A Bridled Mouth

The mouth is probably the smallest body organ yet it has immense power. It is always said that the mouth can bless and can curse as well, James 3:10; depending on how it is used. The same way a fountain cannot send forth at the same time sweet water and bitter is the same way the mouth cannot speak blessings and curses at one go. Thus, it is important to be mindful of what we say to others because once we utter words, we can never take them back. Words can build and they can destroy too.

Why then should we be mindful of what we say? Its because words say a lot about our personality. How we speak our choice of words can easily tell the world the kind of a person we are; and can highlight what we are going through in life and our current state. I believe that several times we have interacted with various people and ended up having a particular impression about them based on how they conversed. It is integral to note that we speak what we think and what is in our minds because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, Matthew 12:34.

Silence is golden so they say. At times we have been in situations that pushed us to say words that we ended up regretting. We wished that we couldn't have spoken in the first place. We should be slow to speak, calculating the words that will leave our mouths. Words have the ability to worsen situations and land us in more trouble and that's why it's important to guard our mouths. Just as it is mentioned in Proverbs 21:23, Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from trouble.

 Jesus Christ was constantly opposed and mocked by the Pharisees, Sadducees and the Scribes. But regardless of their behavior towards Him, Jesus was able to prevent himself from speaking judgment against them because they could have been instantly destroyed. Being followers of Christ we should follow His example. We should be keen on what we say especially when we are close to our adversaries; because what we say can be used against us. In Psalms 39:1 it is said, " I will take heed to My Ways, that I may not sin with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.

What we confess we possess! Other than being cautious of what we say to others, we should also be mindful of what we say to ourselves. At times we are our own worst enemies and this is because of what we say to ourselves. We fail to progress in life simply because we do not speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We reap what we so! And if we speak words of encouragement to ourselves, we will be motivated towards achieving a particular goal. Psalms 13:2 a man shall eat well by the fruit of his mouth, but the fool of transgressions shall eat violence. Build your self-esteem by what you say to yourself. Think like a winner; believe that you can be better than you are and that you are unique! Just like Shiro Ombewa says in the book, Becoming an Up! Sayer, we should speak Up!over our situations: it doesn't matter the challenges we go through, all we need is speak blessings upon our lives and God will bless us. God says in Psalms 81:10, that when we open our mouths wide, He will fill it. This means that God will fulfill our every desire and need if we believe in Him.

Let's bridle our mouths! Being careful not merely on what we say to others but also what we say to ourselves. Encourage one another!


  1. True. Words do have immense power over our lives. It doesn't hurt to say nice things to each other

  2. Wise words. We reap what we sow. Let us guard our toungues

  3. I am encouraged this morning.indeed,may our speech be always seasoned with salt.


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